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Below you will find the information for the 2024-2025 CMS Athletic Season:

Sports & Season Dates:



Pre-Season Conditioning


Practices Begin

Week of 1st Game

Finals Game


Girls Volleyball, Boys Baseball, Wrestling, Cheer








Cross Country, Boys Basketball, Girls Softball, Cheer







Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Flag Football, Cheer


1.7, 1.9,  1.10





Boys Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Track & Field






 ***  Schedule is subject to change.

  • Season schedule includes home and away games, playoff, and championship game.
  • In an attempt to promote participation in athletics for all students, East Valley Conference schools offer the following non-cut sports:  Cross Country, Wrestling, and Track & Field

Pre-Season Conditioning & Tryouts:

  • Students are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to attend pre-season conditioning days.

  • Students will not be permitted to attend pre-season conditioning and/or try-outs prior to completing the registration process, nor will they be permitted to try out LATE.
  • For safety reasons, all students must have the proper athletic clothing and shoes in order to try-out.
  • Out of respect to the coaches, try-outs are not open to parents and family members.  Try-outs are a time for students to focus, take direction from the coach, and demonstrate their skills.  We believe that this happens best with no outside distractions. 
  • Tryouts will be held beginning at 4:00 p.m.  Coaches will inform athletes of end times.  Please ensure that your child is picked up promptly.


  • There is a $100 athletic fee per sport, per student.  Payments are made through the In-Touch system.  Information can be found on the Cooley website.
  • There is a $350 family cap at the middle school level.
  • Scholarships are available based on free and reduced lunch eligibility. Please complete the following Athletic Fee Waiver to have your eligibility verified.
  • Uniforms are loaned from the school and must be returned in good condition at the end of the season or you will be charged to replace it. Parents should expect to provide shoes and general safety equipment for their athlete depending on the sport (ie: soccer shoes and shin guards, basketball shoes, mouth guards, knee pads).  See the coach for their specific expectations for each sport.
  • Participation fees can be paid using tax credit donations. Tax credits can be $200 individually or $400 per family.

Registration Process:

 Please complete the following steps:

  • Read the  Register My Athlete Instructions.
  • Complete the Athletic Clearance Packet electronically. We no longer accept paper registration.
  • All forms can be viewed and signed electronically.  All additional required forms must be uploaded to your account (i.e. physical forms and concussion test results). 
  • The  AIA physical packet can be uploaded and brought to your healthcare provided. The physical packet must be physically signed, NOT AUTOSIGNED.  Please note that physicals must be dated after March 1, 2023 to be used for the 2023-2024 school year.
  • ALL student athletes must complete a AIA Concussion Awareness and Quiz. To complete the AIA Concussion Awareness and Quiz, please go to  You will need to create a login and password and register as a 9th grade student at Williams Field High School.  Upon completion of the test, you will receive verification of completion that will include the students name, Arizona Interscholastic Association, and final score in the way of a percentage, and a confirmation code.
  • If your student took the concussion course in 7th grade, please upload a copy of that certificate. Copies can be found in your account. The course does not need to be repeated. 
  • All athletes are required to have medical insurance.  If your athlete is not covered by medical insurance, HUSD has partnered with Myers-Stevens, and Toohey to provide student accident insurance at an affordable price.  Please visit here for more information.
  • PLEASE do not sign up for MULTIPLE sports in ONE season; if your child would like to play a non-cut sport after try-outs we can change that manually.

What to Expect at Practices & Games:

  • Practice times will vary and could include mornings (determined by coaches). Please plan for travel plans after games/practice.
  • Practices are closed to parents/spectators.
  • Please make sure you are on time; coaches will have specific guidelines regarding late pick-ups.
  • Games begin at 4:30 PM.
  • All students who are eligible will have game time.
  • Coaches are responsible for determining the duration of play.


  • Student grade checks will be done each Thursday, the 4th week of the season for games beginning the 5th week of the season.
  • Any student failing may not play until the grade is brought up to passing.
  • Any student failing a class will not be eligible to play in the next game.
  • Students with discipline issues at school may not be eligible for participating in games.
  • Students must attend school for at least the final 3 periods of the day to be eligible to play in a game.

Quarter 2 Athletic Schedules - click below to download the schedule