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Frequently Asked Questions

When are try-outs?

Try-outs begin the first day of each season.  Try-outs will be a minimum of 3 days.  Coaches will make the final decision on which athletes make the team.

Does my child have to attend every day of try-outs? 

Yes, students will need to be at every try-out and will not be permitted to tryout LATE.

Does my child have to have a physical?

Yes, Physical Forms can be upload and brought to your healthcare provided. 

Can an old physical be used?

Physicals must be dated after March 1, 2023 to be used for the 2023-2024 school year.  If you need a physical, contact your family physician or visit one of the local clinics or urgent care centers.   

Can I help or watch during try-outs?

No. Out of respect to the coaches, try-outs are not open to parents and family members.  Try-outs are a time for students to focus, take direction from the coach, and demonstrate their skills.  We believe that this happens best with no outside distractions. 

How many students will make the team? 

The East Valley Conference has minimum team sizes for different sports. Our coaches are required to select at least the minimum number of participants, but may add more at their own discretion.  All students who are selected will have an opportunity to play in all competitions. We know that many students are interested in participating, but not all students will be selected for the team.  We do offer a few non-cut sports during the year including; track and field, wrestling, and cross country.  

What are the athletic fees?

There is a $100 fee for each sport with a $350 cap per family per year.  Athletic fees are AZ Tax Credit eligible.  Tax credit donations are returned dollar for dollar in your tax refund.  Tax credit donations can be up to $200 per individual or $400 per household.  The athletic program does not make a profit from the collected fees. Athletic fees pay for transportation, coach salaries, equipment, officials, and uniform replacements.  Tax Credits are non-refundable.

CMS sports are self-sustaining.  The only funding we receive for our sports is from athletic fees, tax credit donations, fund raising, and other donations.  All donations will be used to operate the athletic program. Your generosity is appreciated. The Media Center collects fees, tax credit donations, and other donations during regular operating hours and can also be paid through In-Touch Online Payments.  Please go to the Cooley website homepage under Site Shortcuts and click on the link to register for an account.

What if I cannot afford the athletic fee?

If you are unable to pay the athletic fee, please fill out the Athletic Fee Waiver.  There are scholarship options available to assist with athletic fees.

Do we have to buy uniforms?

Uniforms are loaned to the students for the season. There are some equipment costs associated with various sports. Below are the list of items that will need to be provided by the parent:

Soccer (Boys & Girls):  Cleats, Shin Guards, Size 5 Practice Ball, and BLACK SOCKS (socks can be purchased for $4 from CMS when picking up uniforms)

Baseball:  Cleats, Protective Gear, Gloves, BLACK SOCKS  (socks can be purchased for $4 from CMS when picking up uniforms)

Softball:  Cleats, Gloves, BLACK SOCKS  (socks can be purchased for $4 from CMS when picking up uniforms)

Wrestling:  Wrestling Shoes, Head Gear, Protective Gear, Mouth Guard (if student has braces)

Volleball:  Knee Pads

All other sports will need to provide the appropriate shoes for that sport.   *** Coaches may require additional items; coaches will let students know during try-outs.

What are your eligibility rules and procedures?

We follow the AIA “no pass, no play” rules.  Student grades will be checked each Thursday by the athletic director beginning week 5 of each quarter.  Any student that has an “F” in any class will miss a minimum of one "game".  If the student raises the grade from an “F” they will be eligible to play after missing the mandatory contest.  This policy is consistent with all of the EVC schools.  Students are still able to practice during the time of ineligibility.  

Students may also be held out of competition for poor behavior in or outside of school.  CMS student/athletes are leaders on campus and must represent CMS appropriately at all times. Teachers will report poor behavior in the classroom to the athletic director and coaches.  If behavior is persistent or severe, the student may be subject to discipline, including being ineligible for competitions.  Students must attend at least the last 3 periods of the school day to be eligible to play in the day's game.

When will my athlete return to Cooley after an away game?

Busses return to Cooley after the 8th grade teams play.  

Can I take my athlete home with me from an away game?

Yes, but parents must sign the athlete out with their coach.

Can I sign another athlete out from an away game?

Yes, but there needs to be prior WRITTEN communication with the coach from the parent as to who will be signing out the athlete.  ID may be asked for.