Cooley Middle School
Library Policies
1. How many books can I check out at a time?
2. How long can I borrow the book?
Two weeks
3. Are there any overdue fines?
We don't charge fines, but we will send out overdue notices to your Language Arts teacher.
4. Can I put a book on hold?
Yes, as long as the book is currently checked out. If it is on the shelf already, please come in and pick it up.
5. How will I know when the book I put on hold comes in?
We will send a notice to your Language Arts teacher.
6. Can I check my account online?
Yes. You can check your account, search Destiny, or put books on hold:
Go to
Click on Cooley (under Schools tab)
Click on Library then Book Search (Destiny)
Click on Cooley Middle School
Click on Login in the top right corner
Username: first name.last name
Password: S.00(lunch number)
Click on Catalog to search for a book; Click on My Info to see what you have checked out.